'Excellence does not, will not, can not, define most of us, but hopefully faithfulness and love.' Balm for all of us who have, within ourselves, a taskmaster never satisfied.

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To read this as a mama to littles.. man. Ya.

“… how the work you do not love to do might be the most needful.”

Grateful for your gift with words Sarah.

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I love this. Just before reading this I was talking with my husband about who harvested the grain in the sandwich we ate for dinner, and who packaged it, and who drove it to the store so we could buy it. I love that line from Book of Common Prayer too. So good!

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This is beautiful and very encouraging. You write the stripped down truth, but you write it so simply and beautifully that it reads like a little revelation. This one "meets me where I'm at." Thanks for sharing :)

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Thank you Mary ❤️

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Such an encouraging perspective. Saving to re-read and think about. Thank you for writing it.

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"What the world needs is people who have the skills and willingness to do the work that is needed and obvious, the eyes to see what that is and the gratitude to appreciate what has been done by others, for their sake"

You can write a whole book around this.

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So helpful and true. Thank you.

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