Well well well
My name is Sarah Willard Rowell. I write, have always written, out of a desire to preserve memory. It has always scared me how quickly life goes by, even more so now that I have children. Writing has always been a gift to me, helping me to pay attention and capturing, however imperfectly, the life God has graciously given.
Blind Mule is a tribute to my grandfather, who often said to me, Don’t worry about the mule being blind, just load the wagon. He was mostly being silly, but it’s always been good counsel for my writing life, where I tend to wait for more ideal circumstances. My mule will always be blind, in terms of my own limitations. Making a little time to write and having the courage to share is one way I am faithful to my calling, loading my own metaphorical wagon.
I am married to a kind and hardworking man and he has become my best friend. I work mostly as a homemaker and mother, but sometimes as a birth doula too. You may send your ruthless edits, profuse praise and gardening tips to me at heysarie(at)iCloud.com